Hijri Calendar

               Good to be back!  Baby boy is now 7 weeks and we are getting back into the swing of things, masha Allah!!

    The older girls have been working on their Arabic and we thought it to be the time to finish the Hijri Calendar. Originally we were going to use the Tranliteration for the Calendar,but I thought how can they learn to read the Arabic words if they don’t practice. So I found a nice little set from this sister who offers so many nice freebies!!! We all love freebies masha Allah.

First off, Here is her link so I don’t forget Umm An-Nu’man Freebies If you scroll down to the bottom you will see her calendar sets. browse the whole page, there is so much to benefit from masha Allah!

We used her calendar set,but just resized it to fit the calendar we used.

 hijri calendar in the making

 Here is what the calendar started out looking like. Just a plain calendar we bought from one of those school supply stores.


 Here is the completed calendar, which I must say turned out to be more timely than we expected, but the girls just kept coming up with ideas on how to embelish this calendar. They didn’t want it to be so “plain”


 The calendar a bit more close to see a little more detail. The number tiles we just colored in with marker. Printed on cardstock and put velcro on the back to make it easier to change up each month. Right now the Calendar is set for the Month of Rajab and the number tiles are out of place as they were set for the previous month I believe so never mind their placings…lol. We are still trying to get the hang of things insha Allah.


      Again, the number tiles a bit more closely.


   Here, you can see the number tiles up more closely, but the focus was to show you the days of the week tiles.


To finish it off , here is the topper of the calendar. The girls wanted it to resemble somewhat the top of a Masjid. They added the dome and two minarets…If I am not mistaken….teehee….

Here you can also see the Hijri month on top as well as the year. The scalloped border wraps around the entire calendar. We just used a scalloped bulletin border we no longer used and they painted it with a metallic paint. They also painted the dome and the minarets to finalize the look.

Yes time consuming, but it turned out nice, masha Allah.


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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. as salaamu alayki wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

    Mashaa’Allah , I love this !

  2. as salamu alaikum,
    I am diggin that calendar. Insha Allah that will be a fun project with my children.

  3. […] Abdul also has an example Hijri Calendar set that used elements from Umm An Numan (scroll down to the […]

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