Majlis Craft

Have you all adjusted to the coming of Ramadan? We are getting back on track,masha Allah.

I have the big girls working on An-Nawawi’s 40 hadeeth. They complete the copywork for one hadeeth at a time. This I got from Islamic Copywork Blog Which is so useful in helping them memorize each hadeeth. We go over the explanation and they work for a really nice activity e-book that I found on Umm An-Nu’man Freebies called ’40 Hadith An-Nawawi Activity Guide’ . This is such a nice activity book. It only covers the first 6 ahadeeth so far, but the sis intends on finishing the book insha Allah.

We have lots of studies we are currently covering, but I try finding fun in our day somewhere. The Big girls enjoyed making the Yarn Dolls so much, and they say it really kept their minds off food as well as thinking of what a blessing it is to be a Muslim, Alhamdulilah.

I thought we could make a house for the yarn dolls and of course did some research on what could be done.

I saw this wonderful picture of a Majlis on from my Dear Sis Umm Idris. I just had to show the girls and so we did some research on what a Majlis was first. I had them write a short paper on it, and then they were able to explain to me what they would want theirs to look like in full detail (always finding a way to include daily lessons) *smile*

They then came up with an idea to make a Majlis model, and of course we pulled together supplies we had in our house and made one!

Here is the actual picture shared from Umm Idris of what they mimicked:


The girls could have easily made up one of their own,but they loved this one so much they just wanted to make it.

According to Wikipedia A Majlis is a “place of sitting” 

 Majlis is also an Arabic term for a room in a private home used to entertain family and guests. In some homes there is a women’s Majlis and a men’s Majlis.

So we are now in the Month of Ramadan, we all often have many visitors for either iftar or just to visit. The girls thought this was a nice addition to our studies of Ramadan.


Our Majlis was made from:

  •  a cardboard box
  • felt
  • popsicle sticks
  • Cereal boxes
  • cotton
  • beads
  • white paint
  • hot glue gun (an alternative can be fabric glue)


They painted the box with white paint and allowed to dry while they worked on the other details of the majlis.


An overview of the majlis with table in the middle


Another overview without the table so you can see the rug


Dining Table made from cereal box and covered with red felt


Dining Room Table


Left hand side of seating area. Couches made from cereal boxes and covered in white fabric and used cotton to make plush.


Right side seating area with pillows and shows the decorations on the wall area. The wall decorations are just gold plastic beads that can  be purchased at any local craft store.



Couch and floor pillows made from felt and stuffed with cotton. They used hot glue to seal the pillows shut.


The area rug made from felt.


They made a prayer rug from felt and a little white yarn.


Coffee table or console table made from a small candy box, but I am sure a cereal box would do the same job. They covered it in foam board, but felt would work too.


Here are the books they made from foam board and some scrap paper. They didn’t forget that every house needs books, otherwise how would you be able to gain knowledge?


Bolster pillows for the couch made from felt and cotton to stuff them.


The Back main wall of the Majlis. They used some beads and made candle sticks, I guess? A picture made from colored foil and frame made out of popsicle sticks and foam board. The shelves throughout the majlis are made out of popsicle sticks.


They even made little hangers like in the picture. I think they hangers are suppose to hold Ghutrahs or something. Their hangers hold little throw blankets to cover with.


Here is a picture of how the Yarn dolls fit in the majlis.

I enjoy watching and doing the projects with them because it helps us bond more and shows them how to be creative. This simple project they will always remember, insha Allah.

They enjoy playing with this little majlis more than any store bought toy I have ever bought them. I think they cherish it because it was something they put their time and efforts into.

They have been talking about making add ons to this. Subhan Allah! They want to start collecting more boxes and thinking of ideas of what to use to make their bedrooms and kitchen and whatever else more!

Some would think “how elementary” since my girls are older but you know, when our children grow up we often wonder where the time went. I really try my best to allow them to be young while they are. They have time to be adults when they reach that time, insha Allah. This will also help them when it’s time to have their own children,insha Allah.

Okay, okay…getting sentimental! Masha Allah.

I hope you enjoyed the craft we have shared with you. I really hope you make on at home, in school, or with some of your Muslim sisters kids. If you do, please share pictures. I would love to see what you come up with, insha Allah.

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8 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Assalamu alaikum,

    Oh! That is just beautiful masha’Allah! I love the majlis! Your girls did an amazing job masha’Allah! Please dear sis may I tell others about this on my blog and show the pictures (some of them) insha’Allah? I think the mums can make this for their tiny ones to play with during Ramadan insha’Allah. I hadn’t planned to really post during Ramadan but this is just so nice masha’Allah…masha’Allah.


  3. As Salamualykum thats so cute masha’Allaah and excellent. neat idea to make the prayer rugs, we already have adolls house so we might add some new furniture and prayer rugs insha’Allaah.

    i also wanted to add that there is an explanation of An Nawis 40th hadith on this site;

    its long but worth listening too insha’Allaah.

    insha’Allaah we all benefit from this month.

  4. Asslama alaikum.

    I really, really love this and the yarn dolls, mashaAllah, and would like to make one if we get some time, inshaAllah!

    My girls would love this,too, especially my second DS who really loves dolls.

    Jazakumullahu khairan for sharing, your bolg’s been my great inspiration!

  5. As salaamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. Ohhhhh my! Maa Shaa Allaah, how beautiful! Love it, love it, love it

    Jeddah, KSA

  6. Mashallah……….. very nice, i recommned this disgn to family in India to decorate like this.

    Jubail, KSA.

  7. Masha Allah, it’s very pretty.
    I’ll try to make it with my children insha’Allah.
    Keep up the good work.

  8. Ma Sha Allah, I love your blog, wish I could have found it all those years ago when I was home-schooling, but better late than never, I love your Majlis, its such a nice idea for the kids to do and find out about, I hope you dont mind, but I want to share this, isa

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