Ramadan Memory Game

Ramadan mem cards5

Ramadan is appraoching us real quick, are you all getting prepared????

I have been working on projects ideas for the kids to keep them busy, insha Allah. We all know that at times the younger children can be more than a handful for a fasting person!! I put together a Ramadan Memory game to keep my lil ones hands busy!

We made two sets, one in color and one in black and white that can be colored.

 Ramadan mem cards6

This is the face down of the colored memory cards.

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Close up of the colored cards


Ramadan mem cards1

 More of the colored cards.

I tried to capture some of the important aspects of Ramadan so while we play, I can explain to kids what that card means to us during Ramadan.

Ramadan mem cards2

One more up close of three of the colored cards.


We took and glued the cards on non corrugated cardboard. I found mine from a back of a finger painting pad. I also plan on laminating mine, insha Allah.

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 Here are the black and white ones. I had my 5 yr old color them in. She enjoyed quiet time coloring them. She used crayon, although I think marker may have been better. *smile*

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Here are three of the cards colored

We just printed these cards on cardstock instead of gluing them to cardboard to show you the difference .


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Three more cards that were colored.

ramadan memory black and white2The cards front and back

Ramadan mem cards12One close up

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The difference in both

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The difference again

The cards were simple to make and really give my kids something to pre-occupy their time with. I take this game and turn into a lesson by talking to them about each card then ask them what the card says after I have already explained it to them.

Here are the files I used to make these.

Ramadan Memory Game Color

Ramadan Memory Game black and white


Please enjoy them!


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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. […] we made Ramadan Memory Cards, courtesy Umm Abdul-Basir’s blog.   It was really easy mashaa Allaah and the kids (and I) had lots of fun coloring all the little […]

  2. Assalamu ‘alaykum, Thankyou for sharing this great resource with us, I’m printing them out now, and look forward to using them with the kids insha Allaah, Jazakillaahu khair sis!

  3. […] found the printables for these memory cards here on Umm Abdul Basir’s blog along with many other fantastic Ramadhan craft ideas, may Allah […]

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