Salaat Mini-Bulletin Board

We have finally started and finished out Salaat Mini Bulletin. Thanks to Sister at Talibiddeejr for her great work, Masha Allah.



If you would like her printouts go and visit her Islamic lapbooking blog, they are all there! Alhamdulilah!!

I wanted to get the older girls involved in helping teach my 4 yr old and my 5 yr old since we are expecting a new addition very soon, insha Allah. This will help free up time for me to take care of other things.


Close up of the top border

I used all of Ukhti Umm Ibrahim’s  files and just added a bit to make a border. This is the top of the border.



Here is the bottom of the salaat board. Yes, I do see it is mispelled *smile*. I just didn’t feel like re-doing the whole entire thing again. LOL    I added the word “Isha” in English as well as Arabic and the Sun position for that prayer, or shall I say Moon.


More of the bottom of the border


This is the right bottom of the border. Nothing fancy just printed out a series of the graphics from Ukhti Umm Ibrahim’s salaat position worksheet and pasted the images onto the border. This goes around the entire border and I added the names of each postion over random parts of the border to help the kiddies learn and get familiar with the names of the positions. Masha Allah. I really loved the sisters bulletin board idea!


Close up of the top left section of the border


This is the left top section of the border up close. As you can see I added a rising sun, the word “fajr” in English and Arabic. These are also on the Salaat section of Islamic Lapbooking files.


Mid-section of top of the border


This is the mid section of the top border. I added a Dhuhr sun and the word “Dhuhr” in English as well as Arabic.


Top Right section of the border


This is the top right section of the border in which I have added the “Asr” and “Maghrib” words in English and Arabic as well as the sun positions for those prayers.


Left side of the border

Here is the left side of the border. As you can see in the picture it shows the different positions of salaat and I have added the name of one of the positions over that specific position. This is done through out the entire border. Again, the position images are taken from the salat position print out on Islamic Lapbooking blog.


Salaat Board time clocks

These are the salaat time clocks. Each day one of the kiddies are responsible for placing the time on the clocks. I cut the clocks out and placed them underneath a plastic protector sheet so we can just erase and reuse each day. You can either use a crayon to mark the clock or a dry erase marker. Oh yeah, We also glued the clocks onto a colored piece of construction paper to add a little pop to each one.


Adkhaar Mini books


Now, I really love and appreciate these little mini books that Ukhti Umm Ibrahim has made up for the salaat board. They are most helpful not only in teaching the kids but reminding myself and My husband. We often catch outselves in such a hurry that sometimes this part can be forgotten.

We printed these books on cardstock then placed them in colored contruction paper to add that pop of color again.

This was a nice,easy and extremely beneficial project for our family. I have placed it right next to our larger bulletin board. It’s the first thing you see when looking in that direction. I ask that Allah reward the sister with Good  for her hard work in putting all the files together for us to use and teach our families. Ameen.

salaat board